bathrumsnberlin Aug 28, 2009 00:12
bffl, bwah luna is bestest, free food, arashi, friends, booyah i'll beat you up, happy birthday, august, work, ln being a dork, luna
bathrumsnberlin Jan 08, 2009 22:42
why am i awake?, bwah luna is bestest, save me, i'm to lazy, i am a vicious bitch, ln, i'm an idiot, poor luna, ln being lame, crack, no luna is not a crackhead i promise, happy birthday, i will kick you in the face, ln being a dork, dolly parton, wahhhhhhhhhhhhh, luna
bathrumsnberlin Jun 22, 2008 13:09
bwah luna is bestest, kidnapping kat, no luna is not a crackhead i promise